Ex Parte 5779400 et al - Page 30

            Appeal No. 2006-2084                                                                              
            Reexamination Control No. 90/006,360                                                              

                   Claims 16 and 19                                                                           
                   We have interpreted "a substantial portion of the other two sides of the insert            
            extending beyond the end of the shank and forming a cutting tip for cutting a                     
            workpiece" in claim 16 to be a statement of intended use that is not entitled to                  
            patentable weight because the tool shank is not positively recited in combination in              
            claim 16 and the relationship between the tool insert and the tool shank with which               
            it is intended to be used does not limit the structure of the tool insert.  Thus, patent          
            owner's argument is not persuasive of error.  We also interpret that these claims do              
            not positively recite the structure of a "vertical" insert.  The structure of the tool            
            insert alone is anticipated by the tool insert in Kyocera.  Thus, the rejection of                
            claims 16 and 19 is sustained.                                                                    

                   Claims 2 and 11                                                                            
                   Independent claim 2 contains the same limitation of "a substantial portion of              
            the other two sides of the insert extending beyond the end of the shank" as recited               
            in claim 1.  Independent claim 11 contains the same limitation of "a substantial                  
            portion of the other two sides of the rhomboidal insert extending beyond the                      

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