Ex Parte Costa et al - Page 3

                 Appeal 2007-0173                                                                                        
                 Application 10/438,024                                                                                  
                        Appellants provide separate substantive arguments only for claims 4                              
                 and 7.  Accordingly, claims 1-3, 8 and 9 stand or fall together.                                        
                        We have thoroughly reviewed each of the arguments advanced by                                    
                 Appellants.  However, we find ourselves in complete agreement with the                                  
                 Examiner’s reasoned analysis and application of the prior art, as well as his                           
                 cogent and thorough disposition of the arguments raised by Appellants.                                  
                 Accordingly, we will adopt the Examiner’s reasoning as our own in                                       
                 sustaining the rejection of record, and we add the following for emphasis                               
                 Appellants do no dispute the Examiner’s factual determination that                                      
                 Dick, like Appellants, discloses a method of producing an alkaline metal                                
                 chlorite having improved purity by generating chorine dioxide in a first                                
                 reaction zone wherein chlorate ions are reduced with methanol, and then                                 
                 reacting the produced chlorine dioxide with an aqueous solution of an alkali                            
                 metal hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide in a second reaction zone under                                   
                 subatmospheric pressure.  As appreciated by the Examiner and stressed by                                
                 Appellants, Dick prefers the use of a packed tower reactor under vacuum for                             
                 the second reaction zone, rather than the claimed liquid eductor.  However,                             
                 the Examiner has presented substantial objective evidence in the disclosures                            
                 of Fuller and Mason that one of ordinary skill in the art would have found it                           
                 obvious to replace the packed tower reactor of Dick with a liquid eductor                               
                 with the requisite reasonable expectation of success.  Appellants                                       
                 acknowledge that Fuller demonstrates that a liquid eductor was a known                                  
                 device for pulling a vacuum, and that Mason evidences that it was known in                              
                 the art to employ a liquid eductor as a reaction zone for making an alkaline                            
                 metal chlorite by reacting chlorine dioxide and an aqueous base.                                        
                 Accordingly, since Dick is not restricted to using a packed tower reactor for                           


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Last modified: November 3, 2007