OPPERMANN et al. V. HEWICK et al. - Page 2

           1   an interference-in-fact existed between proteins claimed by Stryker and                 
           2   proteins claimed by Genetics Institute.  The invention of the parties as set            
           3   out in the sole count of the interference is                                            
           4               1.    A purified BMP-8 protein or an isolated OP-2                          
           5               protein comprising the sequence described by residues 1                     
           6               to 402 of Seq. ID No. 28 of Patent 5,266,683 which                          
           7               protein induces new bone formation in mammals.                              
           8   Paper 1, p. 3.  The Declaration designated Stryker’s Claims 21-26,                      
           9   27/21, 28, 29, 39, 45-54, 58 and Genetics Institute’s Claims 1                          
          10   and 26-29 as corresponding to the count.                                                
          11         The parties were authorized to file certain motions, including                    
          12   motions asserting that the parties’ claims did not interfere and priority               
          13   of invention.   A schedule was set for filing the motions and priority                  
          14   statements.  Paper 3.  The filing of the priority motions, while                        
          15   authorized, was deferred until the priority phase of the interference.                  
          16   Paper 24, p. 2.  An expedited schedule was set for the no interference-                 
          17   in-fact motions.  Paper 24, p.1.  Those motions were denied                             
          18   (Paper 36) as was Stryker’s request for reconsideration of the decision                 
          19   (Paper 42).                                                                             
          20         The parties’ priority statements were due May 11, 2007.                           
          21   Paper 43, p. 3.  No priority statements were filed.  Additionally, the                  
          22   parties filed a joint statement that neither party will be filing a priority            
          23   statement or any other authorized motions.  Paper 44.                                   
          24         As the senior party, Genetics Institute need not file a priority                  
          25   statement, nor file a priority motion.  Rather, Genetics Institute may                  
          26   rely on its effective filing date for priority.  Stryker, however, as the               
          27   junior party must file a priority statement in order to put on a priority               
          28   case.  37 CFR § 41.204(b).  Stryker’s failure to file a priority                        

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Last modified: September 9, 2013