DOYLE et al. V. KOPPOLU et al. - Page 2

            1    against Senior Party SRINIVASA R. KOPPOLU, C. DOUGLAS HODGES,                                         
            2    BARRY B. MacKICHAN, RICHARD McDANIEL, RAO V. REMALA and                                               
            3    ANTONY S. WILLIAMS.                                                                                   
            4                  FURTHER ORDERED that Senior Party SRINIVASA R.                                          
            5    KOPPOLU, C. DOUGLAS HODGES, BARRY B. MacKICHAN,                                                       
            6    RICHARD McDANIEL, RAO V. REMALA and ANTONY S. WILLIAMS                                                
            7    is not entitled to a patent containing claims 40-44 and 50 (corresponding to                          
            8    Count 1) or claims 45-49 (corresponding to Count 2) of:                                               
            9                                 application 09/442,070,                                                  
           10                                 filed 16 November 1999                                                   
           11                            to reissue U.S. Patent 5,801,701,                                             
           12                               issued 01 September 1998.                                                  
           13                  FURTHER ORDERED that KOPPULO MOTION 2 (for                                              
           14    judgment based on alleged inequitable conduct on the part of Doyle)                                   
           15    (Paper 35) is dismissed as moot.                                                                      
           16                  FURTHER ORDERED that if there is any further settlement                                 
           17    agreement in addition to the agreement already made of record, attention is                           
           18    directed to 35 U.S.C. § 135(c).                                                                       
           19                  FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this JUDGMENT shall                                      
           20    be placed in the files of (1) Doyle U.S. Patent 5,838,906, (2) Koppulo U.S.                           
           21    Patent 5,801,701, and (3) Koppulo reissue application 09/442,070.                                     
           22                  FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk is directed to distribute                                
           23    the files upon entry of this JUDGMENT.                                                                


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Last modified: September 9, 2013