Ex Parte Schauerte - Page 14

               Appeal 2005-2547                                                                          
               Application 10/134,817                                                                    

                     From the above analysis, we determine that both the surfactant and the              
               polymer of Venema are “drilling fluid additive mediums” within the                        
               meaning of claim 19.                                                                      
                     With regard to Appellant’s contention that Venema’s pump 29 does                    
               not pump pressurized drilling fluid suspension to a horizontal drill head (Br.            
               43-44), we note that claim 19 contains no such limitation.  Claim 19 merely               
               requires that the pump “provide a pressurized drilling fluid suspension                   
               stream.”  The claim is open to any destination including those other than the             
               horizontal drill head.                                                                    
                     Turning to the language “pressurizing said water stream or drilling                 
               fluid suspension stream in the vicinity of said selected location by flowing              
               such stream through a high pressure pump,” this language requires                         
               “pressurizing … in the vicinity of said selected location,” (claim 19                     
               (emphasis added) not placing the pump “in the vicinity of said selected                   
               location.” The pressurization must occur “by flowing such stream through a                
               high pressure pump” but placing the pump upstream will pressurize the                     
               stream at all points downstream until there is a significant pressure drop.  In           
               the context of Venema, the water in throughout conduit 16 is pressurized by               
               pump 29.  Venema introduces both the surfactant and polymer additives at                  
               selected locations within the pressurized conduit 16.  Therefore, Venema                  
               teaches “pressurizing said water stream … in said vicinity of the selected                
               location” as claimed.                                                                     
                     The pressurizing is accomplished “by flowing such stream through a                  
               high pressure pump” as claimed.  (Claim 19).  We note that, as established                
               above with regard to the rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 112, ¶ 2, “high                      


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