Ex Parte Skvorecz - Page 24

                Appeal 2006-1989                                                                             
                Application 09/772,278                                                                       
                Patent 5,996,948                                                                             

                      Therefore, we conclude Appellant has not shown that the Examiner                       
                erred with respect to this rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 102.                                  
                         C.  Claim 2 – Appellant’s response to the Examiner’s case                           
                      At page 11 of the Brief, Appellant again argues that the Examiner has                  
                erred because Buff fails to disclose each wire leg having two upright                        
                sections.  Again we disagree for the reasons supra.  No additional arguments                 
                are presented.                                                                               
                      Therefore, we conclude Appellant has not shown that the Examiner                       
                erred with respect to this rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 102.                                  
                         D.  Claim 5 – Appellant’s response to the Examiner’s case                           
                      At page 11 of the Brief, Appellant again argues that the Examiner has                  
                erred because in Buff “the separation of the upright sections into segments                  
                has no correlation to the device taught in Buff ‘062.”  We agree.                            
                      Claim 5 is limited by it terms (“said plurality of offsets are welded to               
                said wire legs”) to only one of the two offset embodiments of claim 1.                       
                Specifically, the embodiment with “a plurality of offsets located . . . in said              
                upper rim.”  Although Buff does teach an offset in the rim, Buff’s offset in                 

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