Ex Parte Morosin et al - Page 4

                Appeal 2006-2288                                                                                   
                Application 10/846,942                                                                             

                35 U.S.C. § 112, second paragraph, as failing to claim the subject matter                          
                which the Appellants regard as the invention.                                                      
                       Accordingly, we procedurally reverse the rejection of claims 17-19                          
                under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) over Dick.  This is not a reversal on the merits but,                     
                rather, is a procedural reversal based upon the undue speculation as to the                        
                scope of the claims that would be required to address the merits of a                              
                rejection over prior art.                                                                          
                                      Rejection of claims 1-4, 6 and 8-14                                          
                                            under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b)                                               

                       Dick discloses a dog hair combing device comprising a block                                 
                base (10) having longitudinally thereon four parallel spaced apart comb                            
                members (12-15) of progressively decreasing coarseness (col. 1, ll. 15-                            
                16, 55-64).  A shield stripper (17) having four slit openings (18) through                         
                which the comb teeth protrude is hindgedly attached to the block base                              
                (col. 2, ll. 12-15).  The end of the stripper opposite the hinge is lifted from                    
                the block base by a handle flange (19) to strip hair from the comb members,                        
                and then is lowered onto the block base for reuse of the combing device                            
                (col. 2, ll. 18-23).                                                                               
                       The Appellants argue that Dick’s comb teeth are not bristles and that                       
                the portions of Dick’s stripper between the slit openings are illustrated as                       
                being wider than the slit openings and are not strands (Br. 4, 6).                                 
                       The Examiner relies upon Dick’s comb teeth as being bristles and                            
                Dick’s stripper portions between the slit openings as being strands (Ans. 3,                       
                7).  A bristle is “[a] short, coarse, stiff hair or hair-like part”, and a strand is               


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