Ex Parte Downie - Page 6

                Appeal 2006-2292                                                                                   
                Application 10/439,565                                                                             
                cylinder with a narrower opening (Answer 3). “[I]t is well established that                        
                the mere change of relative size of the co-acting members of a known                               
                combination will not endow an otherwise unpatentable combination with                              
                patentability.”  In re Troiel, 274 F.2d 944, 949, 124 USPQ 502, 505 (CCPA                          
                1960).  Accordingly, Appellant’s mere changing of the relative size of the                         
                regulator as compared to the inlet orifice size (i.e., co-acting members) of                       
                the known combination of a “regulator in a bottle” as disclosed by Wang                            
                (Wang, col. 4, l. 57) does not endow the combination with patentability. Id.                       
                Therefore, we affirm the following rejections: (1) the § 103(a)                                    
                rejection of claims 1, 2, and 5-10 over Wang in view of Brown, and (2) the                         
                § 103(a) rejection of claims 1-10 over Wang in view of Kder.                                       

                       The Examiner’s decision is affirmed.                                                        
                       No time period for taking any subsequent action in connection with                          
                this appeal may be extended under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a)(1)(iv).                                     

                McAndrews Held & Malloy, LTD                                                                       
                500 West Madison Street                                                                            
                Suite 3400                                                                                         
                Chicago, IL 60661                                                                                  


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