Ex Parte Rodon - Page 2

              Appeal 2006-3154                                                                     
              Application 09/865,799                                                               

                    Appellant's invention relates to a method to assist in the selection of        
              travel itineraries.  Claim 6 is illustrative of the claimed invention, and it        
              reads as follows:                                                                    
                    6.    A method for facilitating selection of travel itineraries,               
                    selecting one or more travel criteria;                                         
                    allowing a traveler to define traveler preferences associated with said        
              travel criteria and storing said traveler preferences in a traveler profile;         
                    deriving preference factors including a lowest fare multiplier, an             
              available dates index, a non-stop service index, and an equipment type index         
              for said travel criteria based on said traveler preferences;                         
                    initiating a query of at least one travel information database for             
              itineraries matching said selected travel criteria using an on-line search           
                    calculating a travel value index for each itinerary using a travel value       
              algorithm that subtracts preference factors from, or adds preference factors         
              to, or both, a fixed optimal value of said travel value index depending on           
              said criteria matching itineraries; and                                              
                    returning only itineraries where said travel value index thereof               
              satisfies a traveler defined travel value index threshold.                           
                    The prior art references of record relied upon by the Examiner in              
              rejecting the appealed claims are:                                                   
              Ahlstrom              US 4,862,357          Aug. 29, 1989                            
              Bunyan                EP 1 076 307 A2       Feb.  14, 2001                           
                    Claims 6 through 11 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being              
              unpatentable over Ahlstrom in view of Bunyan.                                        


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Last modified: September 9, 2013