Ex Parte Trigger - Page 10

                Appeal 2007-0003                                                                                 
                Application 10/217,990                                                                           

                over the prior art apparatus).  Appellant has not argued that the materials                      
                which formed the device disclosed by Botzem and Schulz are not suitable                          
                for transmission of electromagnetic energy.  Appellant’s arguments (Br. 11)                      
                regarding the location of the device in proximity to a water table are not                       
                persuasive because the location of the device does not establish a structural                    
                       As to claims 2-6 and 11-16, Appellant repeats his arguments                               
                regarding the device being operable from the transmission of                                     
                electromagnetic energy.  (Br. 11-16).  These arguments are not persuasive                        
                for the reasons set forth above.                                                                 
                IV.   Claims 8-10 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as unpatentable                        
                over Botzem, Schutz, and Vanderklaauw.                                                           
                       The Examiner contends that a person of ordinary skill in the art would                    
                have readily recognized that wings, flanges and centerlines are known means                      
                of alignment and support.  In support of his position the Examiner cites the                     
                Vanderklaauw reference.  The Examiner concludes that it would have been                          
                obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art to employ known means for                       
                alignment and support in the device suggested by Botzem and Schulz                               
                (Answer 8).                                                                                      
                       Appellant has failed to contest the Examiner’s reasoning for citing the                   
                Vanderklaauw reference.  Rather,  Appellant repeats his arguments                                
                regarding the device being operable from the transmission of                                     
                electromagnetic energy.  (Br. 17-18).  These arguments are not persuasive                        
                for the reasons set forth above.                                                                 


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Last modified: September 9, 2013