Appeal Number: 2007-0064 Application Number: 09/696,458 Moreover, to establish that a reference is a printed publication the examiner must show that the reference Ahas been disseminated or otherwise made available to the extent that persons interested and ordinarily skilled in the subject matter or art, exercising reasonable diligence, can locate it. In re Wyer, 655 F.2d 221, 226, 210 USPQ 790, 794 (CCPA 1981), quoting I.C.E. Corp. v. Armco Steel Corp., 250 F.Supp. 738, 743, 148 USPQ 537, 540 (SD NY 1966). The examiner argues that “[i]t is clear that the flyer was clearly intended, and utilized, as part of a mass mailing to their customers since it promoted its booth at the SEMA Convention in 1999 (as indicated at the bottom of the flyer)” (answer, page 6). The bottom of the flyer states: “Stop by our Booth at SEMA, to see our new products!”. There is no statement that the SEMA booth was at a 1999 convention. If Mr. Bergert is correct that “Available in June” on the flyer refers to June 2000, then the SEMA show referred to at the bottom of the flyer may be a 2000 show. The examiner has not shown that the Auto Meter flyer was disseminated or otherwise made available to anyone prior to the appellant’s invention, let alone being made available to the extent that persons interested and ordinarily skilled in the subject matter or art, exercising reasonable diligence, can locate it. 4Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next
Last modified: September 9, 2013