Ex Parte 6365387 et al - Page 24

             Appeal No. 2007-0111                                                                                
             Reexamination 90/006,297                                                                            
        1          67. The Board in Ex parte Natta, Appeal No. 95-2683 did not distinguish                       
        2                 Ex parte Natta, Appeal No. 89-1569, slip op. at 2-6 (BPAI 1990).                       
        3          68. The examiners of the original patent were bound by Ex parte Natta,                        
        4                 Appeal No. 89-1569 (BPAI 1990).                                                        
        5          69. The reexamination examiner has not rejected the appealed claims as                        
        6                 failing to comply with the written description requirement of 35                       
        7                 U.S.C. § 112, ¶1, because such a rejection is barred and, in any event,                
        8                 the subject matter of the appealed claims was part of the disclosure of                
        9                 the ‘912 application, as originally filed on May 12, 1992.                             
       11                 Effective Filing Date of the Claimed Subject Matter                                    
       12          70. The specifications of the Italian priority applications, the ‘097                         
       13                 application, and the ‘840 application as originally filed differ                       
       14                 significantly from the specification of the ‘687 patent under                          
       15                 reexamination.                                                                         
       16          71. Italian priority application 24227 relates to the polymerization of                       
       17                 propylene to form highly crystalline propylene polymers.  (See                         
       18                 Certified English translation of 24227 filed on May 22, 1959 in                        
       19                 03/514,097, page 2.)                                                                   


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