Ex Parte Burnhouse et al - Page 32

                Appeal 2007-0345                                                                             
                Application 09/812,417                                                                       
                JOSPEH L. DIXON, Administrative Patent Judge                                                 

                I concur-in-part and dissent-in-part.                                                        

                                              35 U.S.C. § 102                                                
                      I concur in the affirmance of the rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 102.                     

                                              35 U.S.C. § 101                                                
                      I cannot join the majority in finding that the instant claims which the                
                majority has rejected are directed to non-statutory subject matter under 35                  
                U.S.C. § 101.                                                                                
                      The majority goes through extensive evaluation of the case law and                     
                controlling precedents.  I agree with the majority’s general analysis, yet I                 
                find that the merits of rejection when applied to the extensive case law                     
                discussions is quite brief and silent as to the appropriate claim interpretation             
                with which to evaluate the instant claimed invention.                                        
                      While the majority’s examples are creative in their claim                              
                interpretation to find the instant claims non-statutory, it is the claim                     
                limitations, when interpreted in light of the Specification and giving the                   
                claims their ordinary and customary definitions in the relevant/pertinent art,               
                that define the claimed invention.                                                           
                      Here, I find the Specification to be solely directed to a computer                     
                implemented invention for a future program action indication display                         
                process.  The majority has not identified where or how Appellants’                           
                Specification permits such a broad and sweeping interpretation when there is                 
                no hint of a non-computer implemented method envisioned therein.  Nor has                    


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