Ex Parte 6497843 et al - Page 4

               Appeal 2007-0393                                                                       
               Reexamination Control 90/006,786                                                       
               Patent 6,497,843                                                                       
           1   F. 21. The sole difference asserted by Patentee between the subject matter of          
           2   Claim 6 of the 620 patent and Claim 1 of the 843 patent is that in the 620             
           3   patent the wicking material bends over the top of the impermeable member               
           4   to contact the assay strip while Patentee’s Claim 1 requires the assay strip to        
           5   bend over the impermeable member to contact the wicking material.  Br. 21.             
           6   F. 22. Thus, according to Patentee, Claim 6 does not describe the limitation           
           7   that the urine “solely wick up” and “provide for continuous flow of the urine          
           8   to the assay strip.”                                                                   
           9   F. 23. The differences between the subject matter of Claim 6 of the 620                
          10   patent and the subject matter of Patentee’s Claim 1 are actually in the                
          11   configuration of the wicking material and the location of the contact of the           
          12   wicking material and assay strip.                                                      
          13   F. 24. In Claim 6 of the 620 patent the wicking material covers the back and           
          14   edge of the backing and goes down the front side to meet the assay.                    
          15   F. 25. In Claim 1 of the 483 patent the wicking material does not reach the            
          16   edge of the backing and the assay strip crosses the edge of the backing and            
          17   contacts the wicking on the back side of the backing.                                  
          18        Prosecution of the 620 Patent                                                     
          19   F. 26. Patentee characterized the 843 Patent as a “continuation” of the 620            
          20   patent.                                                                                
          21   F. 27. During the prosecution of the application that became the 843 patent,           
          22   no rejection based upon double patenting was entered.                                  
          23   F. 28. During the prosecution of the application that became the 843 patent,           
          24   Patentee voluntarily filed a terminal disclaimer.                                      

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