Ex Parte No Data - Page 24

                Appeal 2007-0694                                                                              
                Reexamination Control 90/006,433                                                              
                Patent 5,428,933                                                                              
                      B.     Prior Art Rejections                                                             
                             1.    The Rejection of Claims 1-11, 13-19, 21-28 and 30                          
                                   under 35 U.S.C. §102(b) as anticipated by                                  
                      Generally, claims 1, 11, 17, 18, 19 and 30 are independent claims and                   
                directed to insulating construction block forms and members.  Each                            
                independent claim requires the presence of an interconnecting means that                      
                comprises at least two rows of alternating projections and recesses where the                 
                projections and recesses are substantially the same dimension.  Each                          
                independent claim also requires that the insulating forms are capable of                      
                being interconnected with a like member in a bi-directional or reversible                     
                      Guarriello describes forms for poured concrete having locking                           
                members.  Guarriello’s forms interconnect via projections and recesses.                       
                Guarriello however, refers to its projections and recess as ribs and channels.                
                (Guarriello, col. 4, l. 67 to col. 5, l. 44).                                                 
                      The Examiner and Patentee agree that Guarriello does not teach the                      
                use of projections and recesses having the same dimensions.  Patentee and                     
                the Examiner disagree however, as to whether Guarriello teaches projections                   
                and recesses of substantially the same dimension.                                             
                      To aid the Board’s understanding of the differences in dimensions,                      
                Patentee provided the following figure, which depicts the ribs and channels                   
                of Guarriello Figure 8:                                                                       


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