Appeal 2007-0712 Application 90/006,713 MacInTax, can electronically connect to and download relevant financial information from a bank via a home accounting program, e.g., Dollars & Sense (¶¶ 3, 4, 6, 15, 16, 23, 26). This downloaded information is used to assist in completing one’s tax return. Completion of an IRS tax form is expressly disclosed by Beamer; therefore, by using data downloaded from a bank to complete the IRS tax form, said data qualifies as tax data since it provides information that is required to complete one’s tax return. Beamer ultimately utilizes the downloaded bank statement information to electronically prepare a tax return, thereby addressing both the spirit and literal interpretation of the claimed invention. Furthermore, Patent Owner’s independent claims recite “collecting electronically tax data from said tax data provider.” Since the collected tax data is not referred to as “said tax data,” it is not necessarily required that the collected tax data be the type of tax data expressly recited as possessed by the tax data provider. (Answer at 44-45). 25. The Simplification Specification gives examples of the type of data that is considered “tax data” as follows: This information [data needed to compute the tax payer’s liability] includes: IRS Forms W-2 from their employers; IRS Forms 1099 from their banks; each mutual fund in which interests are held, each broker in respect of dividends, interest and gross brokerage proceeds, and other persons from whom payments are received; IRS Forms 1098 in respect of residential mortgage interest paid; and canceled checks or other acknowledgments from charitable organizations (‘052, col. 2:21-29). Obviousness rejection 26. The Examiner rejected dependent claims 3-5, 7 and 16 based on Beamer and further supported by “It’s W-2 Time” as applied in the anticipation rejection and also based on Official Notice taken by the 13Page: Previous 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: September 9, 2013