Appeal 2007-0723 Application 10/310,527 The use of directories, subdirectories and their respective files in Needham is consistent with Appellants’ own recognized prior art data structures for files and the showing in what amounts to prior art figure 2 of the Specification as filed. The showing in Specification figure 5 is consistent with this admitted prior art or given path to the extent recited in dependent claims 5 and 20 on appeal. Correspondingly, the upload ID or each of the respective directories, subdirectories and files within each of them relate to the features of uploadable identifiers once a production web site is created in Needham utilizing the prior art operating systems in that reference. Moreover, the “can be used” capability of claim 5 and the “can quickly find” capabilities of dependent claim 7 are not positively recited recitations but mere capabilities of potential future acts which are clearly within the ambit of the prior art operating systems admitted by Appellants to be in the prior art and that are specifically taught as noted earlier in Needham. This additional assessment of the teachings of Anderson and Needham and those which were identified by the Examiner in the Answer are consistent with the above-noted case law regarding combinability of teachings of the prior art as well as addressing the arguments of Appellants in the Brief and Reply Brief as to the noted features. In view of the foregoing, the decision of the Examiner rejecting all claims on appeal under 35 U.S.C. § 103 is affirmed. 7Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next
Last modified: September 9, 2013