Appeal No. 2007-0800 Application No. 10/066,267 with lights.” (Specification 1.) That is, a fish strike causes the flag to move from a horizontal to vertical position, and the change in the flag’s position in turn causes an attached light to turn on, indicating a strike has occurred. (Id. at 1-2.) The Specification discloses (page 4), as a preferred embodiment, an ice fishing tip-up display compris[ing] a flashing light source located at one end of an assembly; a tilt switch . . . ; a reflective enclosure of said tilt switch/flashing light source; conductors . . . ; a power source and circuitry means to supply power to said flashing light source; and an attaching apparatus to attach to a flag arm of a fishing device. The Specification discloses that a reflective enclosure for the light source provides a number of advantages. (Id. at 7.) For example, an ice fishing tip-up is vulnerable to motorized traffic on a frozen lake. (Id.) When a vehicle shines its lights on the reflective enclosure the vehicle’s operator will be able to see where the fishing equipment is, and avoid it. (Id.) The Specification discloses that the reflective light source enclosure also allows the fisherman to verify the location of his equipment, and determine whether the flag is horizontal or vertical, by simply scanning the area with a flashlight. (Id.) “This is especially helpful if the unit is unarmed without the power source or if electronic failure occurs, so that the fisherman can still determine the flag position.” (Id. at 7-8.) DISCUSSION 1. CLAIMS Claims 8 and 9 are pending and on appeal and read as follows: 8. An ice fishing display device for use with an ice fishing tip-up with a base assembly and a tip-up flag arm mounted to the base assembly comprising: 2Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Next
Last modified: September 9, 2013