Ex Parte Comiskey et al - Page 3

               Appeal 2007-1182                                                                             
               Application 10/020,136                                                                       

                      Appellants submit at page 4 of the Brief that "[n]one of the claims                   
               stand or fall together."  However, Appellants do not set forth different                     
               substantive arguments for the various claims on appeal, including the claims                 
               separately rejected by the Examiner over the additional disclosures of Ross                  
               and Humason.  Pages 16-24 of Appellants' Brief are devoted to recitations in                 
               different claims on appeal, but no separate substantive arguments are                        
               presented for any of these claims.  Rather, Appellants repeat that the                       
               "rejection of this claim is improper for the reasons set forth above with                    
               respect to claim 21," and with the conclusory remark that the combination of                 
               references fails to show each and every limitation of the particular claim.                  
               Accordingly, all the appealed claims stand or fall together with claim 21.                   
                      We have thoroughly reviewed each of Appellants' arguments for                         
               patentability.  However, we find ourselves in complete agreement with the                    
               Examiner's reasoned analysis and application of the prior art, as well as the                
               cogent disposition of the arguments raised by Appellants.  Accordingly, we                   
               will adopt the Examiner's reasoning as our own in sustaining the rejections                  
               of record, and we add the following for emphasis only.                                       
                      There is no dispute that Micchia, like Appellants, discloses a method                 
               of reducing reflective light glare into a human's eyes from the human's                      
               cheeks by covering a location at which incident direct or indirect light is                  
               likely to be reflected in the human's eyes with a non-toxic material having a                
               non-reflective colored exterior surface.  As appreciated by the Examiner, the                
               light absorbing patch of Micchia does not have a shape within its exterior                   
               surface having a color which contrasts with the non-reflective color.                        
               However, we fully concur with the Examiner that Essig evidences the                          


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Last modified: September 9, 2013