Ex Parte Malone - Page 2

               Appeal 2007-1696                                                                            
               Application 10/230,745                                                                      

                      Appellants’ invention relates to editing a document within a web                     
               browser.  An editing program running in the browser supplies a substitute                   
               edit request to the browser in place of the request received from the user.                 
               The document object model (DOM) is then accessed and edited to remove                       
               the portion of the DOM related to the substitute edit request and insert                    
               appropriate tags to achieve the original edit request, simplifying revision of              
               the DOM (Specification 4).                                                                  
                      Claim 1 is exemplary:                                                                
               1.  A method for editing a markup language document displayed by a                          
               browser executing in a computer system in response to a request from a user                 
               of the system to edit one or more characters in a text element of the                       
               document, the method comprising:                                                            
                      creating a substitute edit request for the one or more characters that               
               differs from the edit operation requested by the user,                                      
                      supplying the substitute edit request to the browser to cause the                    
               browser to revise the document in accordance with the substitute edit                       
                      accessing the object model of the document after revision by the                     
               browser, and                                                                                
                      editing the revised object model to achieve the intent of the user edit              
                      The prior art relied upon by the Examiner in rejecting the claims on                 
               appeal is:                                                                                  
               Peck                               US 2002/0188636 A1              Dec. 12, 2002            
               Poynor                           US 2004/0205666 A1              Oct. 14, 2004              


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