Appeal 2007-1821 Application 11/040,964 48 - col. 21, line 6; claims 1 and 2). The reference exemplifies R4 groups such as n-C6H13 and n-C9H19 (see especially col. 22, claim 2). The reference teaches (a) administration of from about 5% to about 120% of a conventional dosage of a conventional drug and (b) various formulation[s] such as for oral, dermal or nasal administration (see col. 19 line 49 - col. 20, line 65). (Answer 3-4.) In making an obviousness determination, it is necessary to identify the differences between the claimed invention and the prior art. In this case, Cook teaches 7α,11β-dimethyl nortestosterone enanthate (Cook, col. 17, ll. 34-36) which has an n-C6H13 alkyl group at its 17-position. The claimed invention has the same structure, but differs in having an n-C10H21 alkyl group at its 17-position (Specification, Fig. 12 showing (CH2)9CH3). The Examiner contends . . . because (a) of the close structural similarity of the exemplified reference compound (see col. 22, claim 2) and the claimed compound and (b) the teaching by the reference that R4 can be a Cl-18 alkyl (see col. 21, claim 1), the claimed compound would have been obvious to the skilled artisan in the art at the time of the present invention. The motivation to make the claimed compound would be based on the desire to make additional androgenic compounds having enhanced activity as taught by Cook. (Answer 4.) DISCUSSION Appellants do not dispute in this appeal the Examiner’s finding that the claimed compound would have been prima facie obvious from Cook’s teachings. Instead, they challenge the rejection on the grounds: 1) that the claimed oral formulation would not have been obvious; 2) that Appellants’ invention satisfies a long-felt need; 3) that the claimed invention possesses 3Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Next
Last modified: September 9, 2013