Ex Parte Hymel - Page 8

                  Appeal 2007-1841                                                                                            
                  Application 10/144,916                                                                                      

                         As to Will, the thumbwheel 15 in figure 2 corresponds to the                                         
                  thumbwheel 140 in figure 1 of Siedlikowski.  The showings in various                                        
                  portions of figures 7 and 8 of Will make clear that a thumbwheel may be                                     
                  considered to be a device for alphanumeric key entry information.  As noted                                 
                  by the Examiner in the reasoning in the Answer, the discussion at column 2,                                 
                  lines 31 through 37 argues for the combinability with the teachings and                                     
                  showings in Siedlikowski to provide a simple and effective control that can                                 
                  effectively input small amounts of alphanumeric data.  Moreover, the                                        
                  teachings at column 13, lines 38 through 51 relate to future cell phone and                                 
                  PDA embodiments that are contemplated.  Finally, we generally agree with                                    
                  the Examiner’s basic positions set forth at pages 36 and 37 relating to                                     
                  Appellant’s other arguments presented in the Brief as to this rejection.                                    
                         Lastly, as to Appellant’s arguments at page 14 of the principal Brief                                
                  relating to claim 3 and the corresponding argument at pages 15 and 16 of the                                
                  principal Brief relating to the arguments of dependent claim 13, Appellant                                  
                  admits that both references to Siedlikowski and Will have message                                           
                  composure routines within them.  Again, as indicated earlier in this opinion,                               
                  the measure of immediacy in entering a message composure routine is not                                     
                  recited in these claims.                                                                                    
                         In view of the foregoing, the decision of the Examiner rejecting                                     
                  various claims on appeal under 35 U.S.C. §§ 102 and 103 is affirmed.                                        


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Last modified: September 9, 2013