Ex Parte 5694604 et al - Page 61

                Appeal 2007-2127                                                                                  
                Reexamination Control No. 90/006,621                                                              
                execution," as argued by Patent Owner—it requires "preemptive execution                           
                of a plurality of threads," not just one thread.  Although we disagree that                       
                "plurality of threads" can be interpreted to require "two or more, but less                       
                than all" threads, there still must be at least two interruptible threads.                        

                       The rejections                                                                             
                              1. The district court decision                                                      
                       The district court held the '603 patent invalid under § 112, first                         
                paragraph, for lack of written description support for "multithreading" and                       
                found that the '604 patent was not entitled to a priority date of 1990 or                         
                earlier.  Reiffin v. Microsoft, 270 F. Supp. 2d at 1143.  Since the "Detailed                     
                Description" portion of the specification is the same for both the 1994 and                       
                1990 applications, we speculate that the district court did not also hold the                     
                '604 patent to be invalid because the 1994 application, as filed, mentions                        
                       The district court construed "multithreading," defined in the '603                         
                patent (col. 1, lines 24-37), to require at least two threads.                                    
                       The district court construed "thread" as follows:                                          
                       "A thread is the execution of a sequence of instructions constituting                      
                       one of the possibly many procedures, functions or subroutines within                       
                       the program.  Further, when interrupted, a thread's context must be                        
                       saved and retrievable when a thread is reassigned control of the CPU                       
                       and resumes execution."                                                                    
                Id. at 1138.  This definition comes from Patent Owner's arguments during                          
                prosecution of the '603 patent.  See Reiffin v. Microsoft, 64 USPQ2d at 1115.                     


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