Appeal 2007-2467 Application 09/750,150 antecedent basis. It appears that “the predicted value” refers to the earlier recitation of “a prediction value.” We also note a typographical error in the figures. Specifically, the “Next Value Table” (NVT 124) in FIG. 1 is mislabeled as “NUT 124.” Being “basically a board of review,” Ex parte Gambogi, 62 USPQ2d 1209, 1211 (B.P.A.I. 2001), however, we leave the question of indefiniteness of claim 1 and typographical errors in the specification to the Examiner and Appellants. V. ORDER In summary, the rejection of claims 13-26 under § 102(b) is affirmed. The rejection of claims 1-12 under § 102(b) is reversed. No time for taking any action connected with this appeal may be extended under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a)(1)(iv). AFFIRMED IN PART pgc KENYON & KENYON LLP 1500 K STREET N.W. SUITE 700 WASHINGTON DC 20005 8Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Last modified: September 9, 2013