Ex Parte Das - Page 28

                Appeal 2007-2557                                                                             
                Application 10/094,866                                                                       
                Therefore, each individual expansion cell within each segment comprises a                    
                continuous strand of material that is interconnected to itself to generally                  
                encompasses a radial space within the segment.  Interconnection bridges are                  
                used to connect each individual expansion cell to another within each                        
                segment and to adjacent segments.  The continuous strand of material is                      
                deformable to allow individual expansion cells to exhibit two configurations,                
                wherein the circumference of the second “expanded” configuration is greater                  
                than that of the first configuration.  In addition, the claim requires that at               
                least one of the interconnection bridges comprises a plurality of narrowings                 
                at certain points in the interconnection bridge to permit the interconnection                
                bridge to have greater flexibility when bending proximate the plurality of                   
                      Ley teaches a stent that “is made up of a series of curvilinear                        
                expansion cell elements generally indicated at 12 (see darkened example in                   
                FIG. 3 for clarity) having relatively wide end portions 14 joined by relatively              
                narrow center portions 16” (Ley, col. 2, ll. 35-39, emphasis removed).  Ley                  
                teaches that the cells are arranged longitudinally and in substantially parallel             
                rows (Ley, col. 2, ll. 39-42 and FIG. 1).  These expansion cells (e.g., element              
                12 in Ley’s FIG. 3) are equivalent to Appellant’s individual expansion cells.                
                      Ley also teaches support members which can be viewed as equivalent                     
                to Appellant’s interconnection bridges.  Specifically, Ley teaches                           
                      [a] plurality of longitudinally extending elongate support                             
                      members 18 are included, one each being disposed between                               
                      adjacent rows of cells 12.  Also, a plurality of circumferentially                     
                      extending support members 19, preferably substantially normal                          
                      to support members 18 are also positioned between the rows of                          
                      cells 12 to intersect portions of the support members 18 and to                        


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