Ex Parte Schulze et al - Page 23

                Appeal 2007-2649                                                                              
                Application 10/235,998                                                                        

                chloride compound as disclosed by Platt et al in order to improve accuracy                    
                of the ECG signal.” (Answer 8-9).                                                             
                      Appellants argue that claim 24 is “allowable as depending on                            
                allowable claim 20” (Br. 14).  Appellants argue that because Platt’s                          
                electrodes are separate from the Platt’s closest component analogous to a                     
                patient data monitor, Platt does not cure the other references’ failure to “to                
                teach or fairly suggest the use of an electrode patch on a patient data monitor               
                surface” (id.).                                                                               
                      These arguments are addressed above with respect to claims 11 and                       
                20.  We affirm the Examiner’s obviousness rejection of claim 24.                              
                      We affirm all of the rejections on appeal.  We designate the                            
                affirmances with respect to claims 3, 4, and 11 only as new grounds of                        

                                     TIME PERIOD FOR RESPONSE                                                 
                      Regarding the affirmed rejection(s), 37 CFR § 41.52(a)(1) provides                      
                that “Appellant may file a single request for rehearing within two months                     
                from the date of the original decision of the Board.”                                         
                      In addition to affirming the examiner's rejection(s) of one or more                     
                claims, this decision contains a new ground of rejection pursuant to 37 CFR                   
                § 41.50(b) (effective September 13, 2004, 69 Fed. Reg. 49960 (August 12,                      
                2004), 1286 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 21 (September 7, 2004)).  37 CFR §                          
                41.50(b) provides:  “A new ground of rejection pursuant to this paragraph                     
                shall not be considered final for judicial review.”                                           


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