The following constitutes Fish and Game District 1V: all that area within the County of Plumas within the following boundaries:
Beginning at the intersection of U. S. Alternate 40 Highway and U. S. Forest Service Road 24N12; thence following northerly the easterly side of U. S. Forest Service Road 24N12 to its intersection with U. S. Forest Service Road 24N10; thence easterly following the southerly side of U. S. Forest Service Road 24N10 to its intersection with U. S. Forest Service Road 24N07 (Relocated); thence easterly following the southerly side of U. S. Forest Service Road 24N07 (Relocated) to its intersection with U. S. Forest Service Road 25N08; thence southerly on the westerly side of U. S. Forest Service Road 25N08 to its intersection with U. S. Alternate 40 Highway; thence westerly along the northerly side of U. S. Alternate 40 Highway to the point of beginning.
(Amended by Stats. 1965, Ch. 141.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018