The following constitutes Fish and Game District 4G:
Beginning at the northeast corner of T. 4 S., R. 3 E., S. B. B. & M.;
Thence on section lines, west one mile, north one mile, west two miles, north one mile and west three miles to the northwest corner of Sec. 30, T. 3. S., R. 3 E., S. B. B. & M.;
Thence south on the range line between R. 2 and 3 E., about 73/4 miles to the crest of the divide forming the northwesterly boundary of Strawberry Creek watershed;
Thence southwesterly along said divide to a point on the northerly boundary of Sec. 28 in T. 5 S., R. 2 E., S. B. B. & M.;
Thence southwesterly in a straight line to the junction of Strawberry Creek and the south fork of the San Jacinto River;
Thence southeasterly and northeasterly along the crest of the divide between the waters of Dry Creek, a tributary of Strawberry Creek, and the waters of the south fork of the San Jacinto River and its tributaries to the northeasterly side of the right of way of the Pines to Palms Highway;
Thence southeasterly along the said northeasterly side of the right of way of the Pines to Palms Highway to the right bank of Hurkey Creek;
Thence northerly along the right bank of Hurkey Creek through Secs. 9 and 4 in T. 6 S., R. 3 E., and through Secs. 33, 28, 21, the southeast quarter of Sec. 16, the west one-half of Sec. 15, the east half of Sec. 10 and the northwest quarter of Sec. 11 to the crest of the divide between the waters of Hurkey Creek and Murray Canyon;
Thence southeasterly along the crest of the divide between the waters flowing west into the San Jacinto River and the waters flowing east into Coachella Valley to a point on the south boundary of Sec. 24 in T. 5 S., R. 3 E., S. B. B. & M.;
Thence east on said south line of Sec. 24 to the southeast corner thereof. Thence north on the range line to the point of beginning.
(Enacted by Stats. 1957, Ch. 456.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018