California Food and Agricultural Code ARTICLE 2 - Definitions
- Section 14511.
“Agricultural liming materials” are agricultural minerals composed of calcium or magnesium compounds, or both, which are capable of neutralizing soil acidity and which are distributed...
- Section 14512.
“Agricultural mineral” means any substance with nitrogen (N), available phosphoric acid (P2O5), and soluble potash (K2O), singly or in combination, in amounts less than 5...
- Section 14512.5.
“Ammonium nitrate” means solid ammonium nitrate that is chiefly the ammonium salt of nitric acid, contains not less than 33 percent of nitrogen, one-half of...
- Section 14513.
“Auxiliary soil and plant substance” means any chemical or biological substance or mixture of substances or device distributed in this state to be applied to...
- Section 14513.5.
“Biochar” means materials derived from thermochemical conversion of biomass in an oxygen-limited environment containing at least 60 percent carbon.(Added by Stats. 2016, Ch. 331, Sec....
- Section 14514.
“Biotics” means all materials for which claims are made relating to organisms, enzymes, or organism by-products.(Repealed and added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
- Section 14515.
“Board” means the Fertilizer Inspection Advisory Board.(Repealed and added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
- Section 14516.
“Brand” means any term, design, or trademark used in connection with a fertilizing material product.(Repealed and added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
- Section 14517.
“Bulk material” means fertilizing materials distributed in nonpackaged form or in a container containing more than 50 kilograms or 110 pounds.(Repealed and added by Stats....
- Section 14518.
“Business location” means any place where fertilizing materials are sold or stored for later sale, except storage of package materials on premises operated exclusively as...
- Section 14519.
“Captured dilute solutions” means solutions that contain low levels of plant nutrients as a result of equipment rinsing and runoff.(Repealed and added by Stats. 1990,...
- Section 14520.
“Chelates” means compounds, usually organic, which can combine with a metal ion and form a ring structure between a portion of the chelating agent molecule...
- Section 14521.
“Chelated plant nutrients” means compounds of metallic secondary nutrients and micronutrients with organic chelating agents which have the property of being available under pH conditions...
- Section 14522.
“Commercial fertilizer” means any substance which contains 5 percent or more of nitrogen (N), available phosphoric acid (P2O5), or soluble potash (K2O), singly or collectively,...
- Section 14523.
“Common carrier” means a company licensed with the Public Utilities Commission that hauls for hire.(Repealed and added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
- Section 14524.
“Complex” means bonding which includes both of the following:(a) “Natural organic complexes” means organic by-products of the wood pulp and other industries, such as the lignin...
- Section 14525.
“Compost” means a biologically stable material derived from the composting process.(Repealed and added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
- Section 14526.
“Composting” means the biological decomposition of organic matter which inhibits pathogens, viable weed seeds, and odors. “Composting” may be accomplished by mixing and piling in...
- Section 14527.
“Derivation statement” means the sources of all guaranteed primary nutrients or secondary nutrients, or both, and micronutrients.(Repealed and added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec.
- Section 14528.
“Discontinued manufacturing” means an auxiliary soil and plant substance, packaged agricultural mineral, packaged soil amendment, organic input material, and specialty fertilizer that is no longer...
- Section 14529.
“Distribute” means to sell, offer, expose for sale, exchange, barter, or otherwise supply products for use in, or shipment within or into, this state.(Repealed and...
- Section 14530.
“Distributor” means any person who imports or consigns a fertilizing material or who offers for sale, sells, barters, or othewise supplies this product for use...
- Section 14531.
“Experimental use” means any application of a fertilizing material which is not offered for sale, has no commercial value, and is for the sole purpose...
- Section 14532.
“Farm use” means that the fertilizing material is used primarily for application to crops produced for commercial value.(Amended by Stats. 2009, Ch. 257, Sec. 2....
- Section 14533.
“Fertilizing material” means any commercial fertilizer, agricultural mineral, auxiliary soil and plant substance, organic input material, or packaged soil amendment.(Amended by Stats. 2009, Ch. 257,...
- Section 14534.
“Fish emulsion” means fertilizing material from which the guaranteed nutrients are derived primarily from fish, which contains a minimum of 40 percent total solids from...
- Section 14535.
“Grade” means the percentage of total nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, and soluble potash stated in the same terms, order, and percentage as the guaranteed analysis.(Repealed...
- Section 14536.
“Guaranteed analysis” means the minimum percentage of primary or secondary plant nutrients or micronutrients, or both, claimed.(Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
- Section 14537.
(a) “Gypsum” means calcium sulfate dihydrate, a mineral used in the fertilizer industry as a source of calcium and sulfur which is also known as landplaster.(b) “Phosphatic...
- Section 14538.
“Hydroponics” means a system in which water soluble primary or secondary plant nutrients or micronutrients, or combination thereof, are placed in intimate contact with the...
- Section 14539.
“Investigational allowance” means an allowance for variation inherent in the taking, preparation, and analysis of an official sample of fertilizing materials.(Added by Stats. 1990, Ch....
- Section 14540.
“Label” means the display of all written, printed, or graphic matter on the immediate container of, or a statement, including the guaranteed analysis, accompanying fertilizing...
- Section 14541.
“Label guarantor” means the manufacturer’s or person’s name appearing on the label of a fertilizing material.(Repealed and added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
- Section 14542.
“Labeling” means all written, printed, or graphic matter on, accompanying, or used in promoting the sale of any fertilizing material, including advertisements, brochures, posters, and...
- Section 14543.
“Licensee” means a person who has obtained a license pursuant to this chapter.(Repealed and added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
- Section 14544.
“Manufacturer” means a person who produces, sells, or distributes a fertilizing material in this state that bears their company name on the label and is...
- Section 14545.
“Manure” means any substances composed primarily of animal excrement, plant remains, or mixtures of those substances.(Repealed and added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
- Section 14546.
“Micronutrients” means boron, chlorine, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, sodium, or zinc, alone or in any combination.(Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
- Section 14547.
“Mixed fertilizer” is a commercial fertilizer containing any combination or mixture of fertilizing materials.(Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
- Section 14548.
“Natural organic fertilizer” means materials derived from either plant or animal products containing one or more nutrients other than carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which are...
- Section 14549.
“Noncommercial use” means materials used primarily for application to lawns, shrubbery, flowers, trees, or where there is no crop for commercial value or economic purpose,...
- Section 14550.
“Official sample” means any sample of fertilizing material taken by an agent of the department and designated as “official” by the department.(Added by Stats. 1990,...
- Section 14550.5.
“Organic input material” means any bulk or packaged commercial fertilizer, agricultural mineral, auxiliary soil and plant substance, specialty fertilizer, or soil amendment, excluding pesticides, that...
- Section 14551.
“Packaged” means a fertilizing material distributed in packaged form or in a container containing equal to or less than 50 kilograms or 110 pounds.(Repealed and...
- Section 14552.
“Packaged soil amendment” means any substance distributed for the purpose of promoting plant growth or improving the quality of crops by conditioning soils solely through...
- Section 14553.
“Percent or percentage” means percentage by weight.(Repealed and added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
- Section 14554.
“Person” means individual, partnership, association, firm, limited liability company, or corporation who assumes responsibility for the product.(Amended by Stats. 1994, Ch. 1010, Sec. 126. Effective...
- Section 14555.
“Plant” means any business location where fertilizing materials are manufactured, sold, or stored for later sale, except storage of packaged materials on premises operated exclusively...
- Section 14556.
“Primary plant nutrient” means nitrogen (N), available phosphoric acid (P2O5), or soluble potash (K2O).(Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
- Section 14557.
“Provisional registration” means that under certain circumstances, a label for renewal on an auxiliary soil and plant substance, packaged agricultural mineral, packaged soil amendment, organic...
- Section 14558.
“Registrant” means any person who has registered a packaged agricultural mineral, auxiliary soil and plant substance, packaged soil amendment, organic input material, or specialty fertilizer.(Amended...
- Section 14559.
“Secondary plant nutrient” means calcium, magnesium, or sulfur, alone or in any combination.(Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
- Section 14559.5.
“Secretary” means the Secretary of Food and Agriculture.(Added by Stats. 2005, Ch. 490, Sec. 5. Effective January 1, 2006.)
- Section 14560.
“Sewage sludge” means the solid material resulting from the treatment of waste water of residential or municipal sewage systems.(Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec.
- Section 14561.
“Soil conditioners” means polyelectrolytes, such as complex vinyl and acrylic compounds and certain cellulose and lignin derivatives, which tend to agglomerate soil colloids and produce...
- Section 14562.
“Soilless growing medium” means a medium of an inorganic substance, such as sand or gravel, or in a soilless organic material such as sphagnum peat...
- Section 14563.
“Specialty fertilizer” means packaged commercial fertilizer labeled for home gardens, lawns, shrubbery, flowers, and other similar noncommercial uses. These products may contain less than 5...
- Section 14564.
“Ton” means a net weight of 2,000 pounds avoirdupois.(Repealed and added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 504, Sec. 2.)
Last modified: October 22, 2018