Any person desiring issuance of a license for a day care center or a special permit for specialized services in a day care center under this chapter shall file with the department pursuant to regulations, an application on forms furnished by the department, which shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:
(a) Evidence satisfactory to the department of the ability of the applicant to comply with this act and rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this act by the department.
(b) Evidence satisfactory to the department that the applicant is a reputable and responsible character. This evidence shall include, but not be limited to, a criminal record clearance pursuant to Section 1596.871, employment history, and character references. If the applicant is a firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation, or company, evidence of reputable and responsible character shall be submitted as to the members or shareholders thereof, and the person in charge of the day care center for which application for issuance of license or special permit is made.
(c) Evidence satisfactory to the department that the applicant has sufficient financial resources to maintain the standards of service required by regulations adopted pursuant to this act. The information shall be required only upon initial application for licensure, and when requested by the department, in writing, explaining the need for the evidence as part of the department’s investigative function.
(d) Disclosure of the applicant’s prior or present service as an administrator, general partner, corporate officer, or director of, or as a person who has held or holds a beneficial ownership of 10 percent or more in any child day care facility or in any facility licensed pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 1200), 2 (commencing with Section 1250), or 3 (commencing with Section 1500).
(e) Disclosure of any revocation or other disciplinary action taken, or in the process of being taken, against a license held or previously held by the entities specified in subdivision (d).
(f) Evidence satisfactory to the department that there is a fire escape and disaster plan for the facility and that fire drills and disaster drills will be conducted at least once every six months. The documentation of these drills shall be maintained at the facility on a form prepared by the department and shall include the date and time of the drills.
(g) Evidence satisfactory to the department that the applicant has posted signs at the point of entry to the facility that provide the telephone number of the local health department and state all of the following:
(1) Protect your child—it is the law.
(2) All the information specified in Sections 27360 and 27360.5 of the Vehicle Code regarding child passenger restraint systems.
(3) Call your local health department for more information.
(h) Any other information as may be required by the department for the proper administration and enforcement of this act.
(i) Failure of the applicant to cooperate with the licensing agency in the completion of the application shall result in the denial of the application. Failure to cooperate means that the information described in this section and in regulations of the department has not been provided, or not provided in the form requested by the licensing agency, or both.
(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 350, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2003.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018