(a) The department shall develop guidelines and procedures to authorize licensed child day care centers serving infants to create a special program component for children between 18 months to three years of age. The optional toddler program shall be subject to the following basic conditions:
(1) An amended application shall be submitted to and approved by the department.
(2) A child younger than 18 months of age shall not be moved into the toddler program. A child who is older than 18 months of age shall not be required to be in the toddler program.
(3) Parents shall give permission for the placement of their children in the toddler program.
(4) A ratio of six children to each teacher shall be maintained for all children in attendance at the toddler program. An aide who is participating in on-the-job training may be substituted for a teacher when directly supervised by a fully qualified teacher.
(5) The maximum group size, with two teachers, or one fully qualified teacher and one aide, shall not exceed 12 toddlers.
(6) The toddler program shall be conducted in areas separate from those used by older or younger children. Plans to alternate use of outdoor play space may be approved to achieve separation.
(7) All other infant center regulations shall be complied with.
(b) The toddler program shall be considered an extension of the infant center license, without the need for a separate license.
(c) The department shall immediately prepare proposed regulations for public hearing that would consider the foregoing basic conditions as well as any additional health and safety safeguards deemed necessary for this age group.
(d) The guidelines in subdivision (a) shall remain in force and effect only until regulations implementing this section are adopted by the department.
(e) Commencing January 1, 2016, a day care center with a toddler program described in this section shall extend the toddler program to serve children between 18 months and three years of age. It is the intent of the Legislature to provide continuity of care to California’s children and parents in the implementation of this subdivision.
(Amended by Stats. 2015, Ch. 373, Sec. 2. (AB 762) Effective January 1, 2016.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018