California Water Code ARTICLE 2 - Authorization of Bonds and Issuance
- Section 36251.
In the event the board determines to provide for the issuance of general obligation bonds under the provisions of this chapter, it shall prepare and...
- Section 36252.
Bonds may be issued for the purposes of acquiring or constructing works for irrigation, domestic, municipal and industrial water supply and to furnish facilities and...
- Section 36253.
Subsequent to the receipt of the plan of works provided for in Section 36251, the board may approve or modify the proposed plan of works,...
- Section 36254.
Notice of such hearing shall be given by publishing a copy of the resolution provided for in Section 36253 in a newspaper of general circulation,...
- Section 36255.
At any time not later than the hour set for hearing objections to the proposed plan of works and the issuance of general obligation bonds...
- Section 36256.
At the time set for hearing protests, the board shall hear and pass upon all protests made as provided for in Section 36254 and its...
- Section 36257.
If a majority written protest is made pursuant to Section 36255 against the plan of works, the proposed issuance of general obligation bonds therefor or...
- Section 36258.
The last equalized assessment roll shall be used as a basis for determining whether or not a majority written protest has been made. The board...
- Section 36259.
If at the conclusion of the hearing the board determines that all of the lands included within the district and the boundaries of the improvement...
- Section 36260.
Bonds issued hereunder and interest which accrues thereon shall be paid in a manner identical to bonds issued on behalf of a district or improvement...
- Section 36261.
The Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931 shall not apply to any proceedings under this chapter.(Added by Stats. 1970, Ch. 1458.)
- Section 36262.
The board may, without a vote of the electors, or without a further hearing, provide for the issuance of, and issue, general obligation bonds of...
Last modified: October 22, 2018