California Water Code CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions
- Section 79500.
This division shall be known and may be cited as the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002.(Added November 5,...
- Section 79501.
The people of California find and declare that it is necessary and in the public interest to do all of the following:(a) Secure and safeguard the...
- Section 79502.
It is the intent of the people in enacting this division that it be administered and executed in the most expeditious manner possible, and that...
- Section 79503.
It is the intent of the people that water facility projects financed pursuant to this division shall be designed and constructed so as to improve...
- Section 79504.
It is the intent of the people that investment of public funds pursuant to this division should result in public benefits. (Added November 5, 2002,...
- Section 79505.
As used in this division, the following terms shall have the following meanings:(a) “Acquisition” means the acquisition of a fee interest or any other interest, including...
- Section 79505.5.
As used in this division, the following terms shall have the following meanings:(a) “Disadvantaged community” means a community with an annual median household income that is...
- Section 79505.6.
(a) (1) By March 15, 2004, each state agency disbursing grants or loans pursuant to this division shall develop project solicitation and evaluation guidelines. The guidelines may...
- Section 79506.
Every proposed activity to be financed pursuant to this division shall be in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (Division 13 (commencing with Section...
- Section 79506.7.
State agencies that are authorized to award loans or grants financed by this division shall provide technical assistance with regard to the preparation of the...
- Section 79507.
Watershed protection activities financed pursuant to this division shall be consistent with the applicable adopted local watershed management plan and the applicable regional water quality...
- Section 79508.
Watershed protection activities in the San Gabriel and Los Angeles River watersheds shall be consistent with the San Gabriel and Los Angeles River Watershed and...
- Section 79509.
Except for projects financed pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 79545) or Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 79570), to be eligible to be financed...
- Section 79509.6.
(a) For the purposes of ensuring compliance with Section 79509, the California Bay-Delta Authority shall review regulations, guidelines, or criteria that are proposed by an implementing...
Last modified: October 22, 2018