California Water Code CHAPTER 24 - Shellfish Protection Act of 1993
- Section 14950.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Shellfish Protection Act of 1993.(Added by Stats. 1993, Ch. 1081, Sec. 1. Effective January...
- Section 14951.
The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:(a) Commercial shellfish harvesting is a beneficial use of the waters of the state and, in addition, benefits...
- Section 14952.
For the purposes of this chapter, a commercial shellfish growing area is an area certified pursuant to Section 112170 of the Health and Safety Code...
- Section 14953.
(a) If a commercial shellfish growing area is threatened by point or nonpoint source pollution, as specified in Section 14954, the regional board shall form a...
- Section 14954.
For the purpose of Section 14953, a commercial shellfish growing area is threatened if any of the following applies:(a) The State Department of Health Services downgrades...
- Section 14955.
(a) The technical advisory committee shall review existing data to determine whether additional investigatory efforts are needed to identify the pollution sources that threaten the commercial...
- Section 14956.
(a) Once the nature, sources, scope, and degree of the pollution affecting a commercial shellfish growing area have been determined, the regional board, with the advice...
- Section 14957.
When rating project proposals affecting shellfish growing areas for state and federal funding under Sections 205 and 319 of the federal Clean Water Act (33...
- Section 14958.
When a commercial shellfish area is no longer threatened, as specified in Section 14954, the regional board shall dissolve the technical advisory committee for that...
Last modified: October 22, 2018