California Welfare and Institutions Code CHAPTER 4 - Primary Intervention Program
- Section 4343.
The Legislature recognizes that prevention and early intervention services have long been slighted in the community mental health programs and has identified, as a goal...
- Section 4344.
Primary intervention programs shall be developed in accordance with the guidelines and principles set forth in this chapter. To this end, school districts, publicly funded...
- Section 4345.
The Director of Mental Health shall develop guidelines for primary intervention programs in accordance with the following:(a) School-based programs shall serve children in grades kindergarten through...
- Section 4346.
(a) Each primary intervention program shall have a core team consisting of school-based mental health professionals, including credentialed school psychologists, school counselors, school social workers, or...
- Section 4347.
School districts or publicly funded preschools receiving funds under this chapter shall demonstrate a capability for referral to appropriate public and private community services. The...
- Section 4348.
(a) (1) Subject to the availability of funding each year, the State Department of Mental Health shall award primary intervention program grants pursuant to a request for...
- Section 4349.
The State Department of Mental Health shall, on the basis of applications submitted pursuant to a request for proposal, select recipients of primary intervention program...
- Section 4349.5.
Grants that have been awarded prior to the effective date of this section shall continue to be subject to the provisions of this chapter, including...
- Section 4349.7.
Proposals submitted to the department between April 1, 1992, and May 1, 1992, pursuant to Sections 4343 to 4350, inclusive, that received a passing score...
- Section 4350.
(a) The role of the school district or preschool in each approved primary intervention program shall be to do all of the following: (1) Arrange for mental...
- Section 4350.5.
(a) School districts or county superintendents of schools proposing to serve as grant recipients pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 4348 shall perform...
- Section 4351.
The department shall provide for training of program personnel. Funds for this purpose may be appropriated under Section 11489 of the Health and Safety Code,...
- Section 4352.
(a) The State Department of Mental Health shall conduct a review of each primary intervention program at least once during the first year of funding, and...
- Section 4352.5.
Up to 10 percent of the total state funds available annually for the primary intervention program from all sources may be utilized by the department...
Last modified: October 22, 2018