Florida Statutes Title IX Chapter 107 - Conventions For Ratifying Or Rejecting Proposed Amendments To Constitution Of United States
- 107.01 - Conventions Constituted.
Whenever the Congress shall propose, to conventions in the several states, an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, for ratification or rejection, and...
- 107.02 - Delegates.
Conventions shall consist of 67 delegates from the state at large. Each delegate shall possess the qualifications of a member of the House of Representatives...
- 107.03 - Election Of Delegates.
(1) The delegates composing the convention shall be elected at a special election which shall be held in each county of this state on a date...
- 107.04 - Candidates File Application; Fee And Petition For Name On Official Ballot.
(1) Any person desiring to become a candidate for election as a delegate to said convention shall file a sworn application with the Department of State...
- 107.05 - Official Ballots.
The ballots shall be prepared by the Department of State and distributed by it to the county commissioners in the several counties at least 10...
- 107.06 - Clerks And Inspectors; Compensation Fixed.
The board of county commissioners of each county shall appoint clerks and inspectors of election for such special election in accordance with the general election...
- 107.07 - Canvass Of Returns.
Within 3 days after the date of the special elections the county commissioners shall meet and canvass the returns thereof in their respective counties and...
- 107.08 - Convention Time And Place.
The delegates to the convention shall meet in such place as shall be provided for that purpose by the Department of State, at the state...
- 107.09 - Convention Powers; Quorum; Compensation.
(1) The convention shall have power to ratify or reject the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States for which it shall have been...
- 107.10 - Certification Of Convention Action.
When the convention shall have agreed, by “yea” and “nay” vote of a majority of the total number of delegates elected, to the ratification or...
- 107.11 - Appropriation For Expenses.
For the purpose of defraying the expenses of preparing for, conducting, holding, and declaring the result of the election provided for by this chapter and...
Last modified: September 23, 2016