Georgia Code § 25-2-16 - Regulation of the Storage, Transportation, and Handling of Hazardous Materials; Use of Hold-Open Latches At Self-Service Gasoline Stations; Plans for Bulk Storage Facilities

(a) Some substances constitute a special hazard to property and to the life and safety of persons because of certain characteristics and properties incident to their storage, handling, and transportation. Substances presenting such a special hazard include gasoline, kerosene, and other flammable liquids; liquefied petroleum gases; welding and other gases; dry-cleaning fluids; anhydrous ammonia; and other gases, liquids, or solids of a highly flammable or hazardous nature.

(b) Every person who stores, transports, or handles any of the hazardous substances listed in subsection (a) of this Code section shall so store, transport, and handle the substances as to afford every precaution and protection as may be found by the Commissioner to be reasonable and practical to avoid injury to persons from exposure, fire, or explosion caused by the storage, transportation, or handling of these substances, including transportation thereof only in vehicles which are in proper condition for that purpose.

(c) The Commissioner is directed to investigate the nature and properties of such hazardous substances and the known precautionary and protective techniques for their storage, transportation, and handling, including, but not limited to, the codes and standards adopted, recommended, or issued by the National Fire Protection Association and the Agricultural Nitrogen Institute. Based upon the investigation, the Commissioner is authorized to determine and by rule to provide what precautionary and protective techniques are reasonable and practical measures for the prevention of injury to persons and property from the storage, transportation, and handling of such highly flammable or hazardous substances. Such authorization shall include the power to provide, by rule, the minimum standards that a vehicle shall meet before it is considered to be in proper condition to transport the material. No person shall transport any such material or substance in bulk unless the vehicle in which it is transported is in the proper condition, as provided by such rules, to transport the material with reasonable safety. (d)(1) As used in this subsection, the term:

(A) "Automatic-closing device" means a gasoline or diesel fuel pump nozzle which contains a valve which automatically shuts off the flow of gasoline or diesel fuel through the nozzle when the level of gasoline in a motor vehicle fuel tank reaches a certain level.

(B) "Hold-open latch" means a device which attaches to a gasoline or diesel fuel pump nozzle, which device mechanically holds the nozzle and valve in an open position.

(C) "Self-service station" means any place of business which sells gasoline or diesel fuel at retail and which allows customers to dispense the fuel.

(2) No self-service station shall be prohibited from installing and no customer at such station shall be prohibited from using hold-open latches on gasoline or diesel fuel pumps available for operation by the customer. However, if hold-open latches are used on pumps operated by the customer, such pumps shall be equipped with a functioning automatic-closing device.

(e) Plans and specifications for all proposed bulk storage facilities which come under classification in subsection (a) of this Code section shall be submitted to and receive approval by the state fire marshal and the proper local fire marshal before construction is started. All such plans and specifications submitted as required by this subsection shall be accompanied by a $100.00 fee for screening and shall bear the seal and Georgia registration number of the drafting architect or engineer or shall otherwise have the approval of the Commissioner.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016