Georgia Code § 25-2-22.1 - Inspection Warrants

(a) The Commissioner, his delegate, or any other person authorized under this title to conduct inspections of property, in addition to other procedures now or hereafter provided, may obtain an inspection warrant under the conditions specified in this Code section. Such warrant shall authorize the Commissioner or his delegate or such authorized person to conduct a search or inspection of property either with or without the consent of the person whose property is to be searched or inspected if such search or inspection is one that is elsewhere authorized under this title or the rules and regulations duly promulgated hereunder.

(b) Inspection warrants may be issued by any judge of the superior, state, municipal, or magistrate court upon proper oath or affirmation showing probable cause for the purpose of conducting inspections authorized by this title or rules promulgated under this title and for the seizure of property or the taking of samples appropriate to the inspection. For the purposes of issuance of inspection warrants, probable cause exists upon showing a valid public interest in the effective enforcement of this title or rules promulgated under this title sufficient to justify inspection of the area, premise, building, or conveyance in the circumstances specified in the application for the warrant.

(c) A warrant shall be issued only upon affidavit of the Commissioner or his designee or any person authorized to conduct inspections pursuant to this title, sworn to before the judicial officer and establishing the grounds for issuing the warrant. The issuing judge may issue the warrant when he is satisfied that the following conditions are met:

(1) The one seeking the warrant must establish under oath or affirmation that the property to be inspected is to be inspected as a part of a legally authorized program of inspection which includes that property or that there is probable cause for believing that there is a condition, object, activity, or circumstance which legally justifies such an inspection of that property; and

(2) The issuing judge determines that the issuance of the warrant is authorized by this Code section.

(d) The warrant shall:

(1) State the grounds for its issuance and the name of each person whose affidavit has been taken in support thereof;

(2) Be directed to persons authorized by this title to conduct inspections to execute it;

(3) Command the persons to whom it is directed to inspect the area, premise, building, or conveyance identified for the purpose specified and, if appropriate, direct the seizure of the property specified;

(4) Identify the item or types of property to be seized, if any; and

(5) Designate the judicial officer to whom it shall be returned.

(e) A warrant issued pursuant to this Code section must be executed and returned within ten days of its date of issuance unless, upon a showing of a need for additional time, the court orders otherwise. If property is seized pursuant to a warrant, a copy shall be provided upon request to the person from whom or from whose premises the property is taken, together with a receipt for the property taken. The return of the warrant shall be made promptly, accompanied by a written inventory of any property taken. A copy of the inventory shall be delivered upon request to the person from whom or from whose premises the property was taken and to the applicant for the warrant.

(f) The judicial officer who has issued a warrant shall attach thereto a copy of the return and all papers returnable in connection therewith and file them with the clerk of the superior court for the county in which the inspection was made.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016