Georgia Code § 36-80-18 - Environmental Assessment Required Prior to Acquiring Real Property for Recreational Area; Continuing Assessment

(a) A county, municipality, local board of education, or public authority created by local or general law may not accept a gift of or otherwise acquire real property which is intended to be used for a park or recreational area unless, prior to such acceptance or acquisition, such political subdivision or authority retains an environmental health engineer for a phase 1 environmental assessment to examine the property for contaminants, hidden methane gas, and similar hazards which would be dangerous to public use of such property and receives a report regarding any discovered dangers. If such report discloses significant dangers, the property shall not be accepted or acquired unless the danger is eliminated; otherwise, such property may be accepted or acquired.

(b) At least every 20 years after property has been accepted or acquired pursuant to subsection (a) of this Code section, the political subdivision or authority shall retain an environmental health engineer to retest the property for hazards.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016