Georgia Code § 36-80-20 - Decal or Seal Required on Vehicles Owned or Leased by Any County, Municipality, Regional Commission, School System, Commission, Board, or Public Authority

(a) Every motor vehicle which is owned or leased by any county, municipality, regional commission, county or independent school system, commission, board, or public authority or which has been purchased or leased by any public official or public employee with public funds shall have affixed to the front door on each side of such vehicle a clearly visible decal or seal containing the name of or otherwise identifying such governmental entity.

(b) The requirements of subsection (a) of this Code section shall not apply to:

(1) Any vehicle used for law enforcement or prosecution purposes; or

(2) Any vehicle owned or leased by a county, municipality, or public housing authority expressly excepted from the provisions of this Code section by ordinance or resolution adopted by the governing authority of a county, municipality, or public housing authority following a public hearing on the subject held no more than 14 days prior to the adoption of the resolution or ordinance. Any such public hearing shall be advertised one time in the legal organ of the county at least seven days prior to the hearing date. Any such exemption under this paragraph shall be for a period of no more than 12 months at a time and may be renewed annually following a public hearing as required by this paragraph and advertisement as required by this paragraph.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016