Georgia Code § 36-82-194 - Application for Flexible Pool Allocation; Issue of Notice; Confirmation; Expiration

(a) Applications for notices of allocation from the flexible share shall be received and acted on by the department as set forth in this Code section.

(b) Applications for housing bonds shall be filed on the same forms and accompanied by the same items as applications for notices of allocation with respect to such bonds from the housing share. Applications for student loan bonds shall be filed on the same forms and accompanied by the same items as required by Code Section 36-82-185 and a written opinion of legal counsel, addressed to the department, to the effect that the bonds which are covered by the application will, based upon information available at that time to such legal counsel, qualify as student loan bonds under Section 144(b) of the Federal Code when issued. Applications for all other bonds shall be filed on the same forms and accompanied by the same items as applications for notices of allocation from the economic development share. Such applications need not designate that they are filed for a notice of allocation from the flexible share but may be treated as such by the department in its discretion.

(c) The department shall, in its discretion, decide which application or applications shall receive a notice of allocation. The decision of the department shall be final and conclusive.

(d) The provisions of subsection (i) of Code Section 36-82-187 with respect to notices of allocation from the economic development share shall also apply to notices of allocation from the flexible share. Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection (i) of Code Section 36-82-187, however, the expiration date for a notice of allocation for the private activity portion of governmental use bonds shall be such date as the commissioner may determine, separately in the case of each notice of allocation, and may be extended for any period of time at the department's discretion.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016