Georgia Code § 36-82-199 - Carryforward Applications

(a) Unless otherwise determined by the commissioner, carryforward election applications must be filed with the department no later than December 1 of each year. Carryforward election applications shall be filed, received, and acted upon by the department as set forth in this Code section.

(b) Carryforward election applications shall be filed on a form promulgated from time to time by the commissioner. Each carryforward election application shall be accompanied by the following:

(1) A copy of the inducement resolution or other similar official action to the effect the issuer has taken preliminary official action approving the undertaking of the carryforward project;

(2) A written opinion of legal counsel, addressed to the department, to the effect that the issuer is authorized under the laws of the state to issue bonds for projects of the same type and nature as the project which is the subject of the carryforward election application. This opinion shall cite by constitutional or statutory reference, including a reference to the session laws of the General Assembly in the case of a constitutional reference, the provisions of the Constitution or law of the state which authorizes bonds for the project;

(3) A written opinion of legal counsel, addressed to the department, to the effect that the bonds which are covered by the carryforward election application will, based upon the information available at the time to such legal counsel, qualify for carryforward under Section 146(f) of the Federal Code; and

(4) Any other information as reasonably required by the department.

(c) The department shall, in its discretion, decide which carryforward election applications shall receive a notice of allocation. The decision of the department shall be final and conclusive.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016