Georgia Code, Title 47, Chapter 21, Article 2 - Regents Retirement Health Benefit Fund

  • § 47-21-20 - Definitions
    As used in this article, the term: (1) "Actuarial assumptions" means assumptions regarding the occurrence of future events affecting costs of the fund such...
  • § 47-21-21 - Creation of Fund; Purpose
    (a) There is created the Board of Regents Retiree Health Benefit Fund to provide for the employer costs of retiree post-employment health insurance benefits....
  • § 47-21-22 - Operation of the Fund; Responsibilities
    (a) Responsibility for the proper operation of the fund is vested in the board.(b) The board shall: (1) Adopt actuarial assumptions as necessary and...
  • § 47-21-23 - Actuarial Services
    (a) The actuary employed or retained by the board shall provide technical advice to the board regarding the operation of the fund.(b) Utilizing the...
  • § 47-21-24 - Administration of Fund
    (a) The board shall have control over the fund established by this article. The provisions provided for in this article and all administrative expenses...
  • § 47-21-25 - Annual Duties
    (a) The board shall annually determine the minimum annual required contributions sufficient to maintain the fund in an actuarially sound manner in accordance with...

Last modified: October 14, 2016