(110 ILCS 805/6-2) (from Ch. 122, par. 106-2)
Sec. 6-2. Any graduate of a recognized high school or student otherwise qualified to attend a public community college and residing outside a community college district who notifies the board of education of his district may, subject to Section 3-17, attend any recognized public community college in the State which he chooses, and the board of education of that district shall pay his tuition, as defined herein, for any semester, quarter or term of that academic year and the following summer term from the educational fund or the proceeds of a levy made under Section 6-1. In addition, any graduate of a recognized high school or student otherwise qualified to attend a public community college and residing in a new community college district formed pursuant to Section 6-6.1 who notifies the board of education of his district may, subject to the provisions of Section 3-17, attend any recognized public community college in the State, and the board of education of that district shall pay his tuition until January 1, 1991. If a resident is not eligible for tuition for a summer term because he did not notify his board of education by the previous September 15, he may become eligible for that tuition for a summer term by giving notice to the board of education by May 15 preceding his enrollment for the summer term. Such tuition may not exceed the per capita cost of the community college attended for the previous year, or in the case of the first year of operation the estimated per capita cost, less certain deductions to be computed in the manner set forth below. The community college per capita cost shall be computed, in a manner consistent with any accounting system prescribed by the State Board, by adding all of the non-capital expenditures, including interest, to the depreciation on capital outlay expenditures paid from sources other than State and Federal funds and then dividing by the number of full-time equivalent students for the fiscal year as defined in this Section. The community college tuition to be charged to the district of the student's residence shall be computed, in a manner consistent with any accounting system prescribed by the State Board, by adding all of the non-capital expenditures for the previous year, including interest, to the depreciation on capital outlay expenditures paid from sources other than State and Federal funds less any payments toward non-capital expenditures received from State and Federal sources for the previous year except grants through the State Board, as authorized in Section 2-16 or 2-16.02, as the case may be, and then dividing by the number of full-time equivalent students for that fiscal year as defined in this Section; this average per student computation shall be converted to a semester hour or quarter hour base and further reduced by the combined rate of State grants other than equalization grants for the current year as provided for in Section 2-16.02 and any rate of tuition and fees assessed all students for the current year as authorized in Section 6-4.
Any person who has notified the board of education of his or her district as provided above and who is a resident of that district at the time of such notification shall have his or her tuition paid by that district for that academic year and the following summer term so long as he or she resides in Illinois outside a community college district. If he or she becomes a resident of a community college district, he or she shall be classified as a resident of that district at the beginning of any semester, quarter or term following that change of residence.
If a resident of a community college district wishes to attend the community college maintained by the district of his or her residence but the program in which the student wishes to enroll is not offered by that community college, and the community college maintained by the district of his residence does not have a contractual agreement under Section 3-40 of this Act for such program, the student may attend any recognized public community college in some other district, subject to the provisions of Section 3-17, and have his or her tuition, as defined herein, paid by the community college district of his or her residence while enrolled in a program at that college which is not offered by his or her home community college if he or she makes application to his or her home board at least 30 days prior to the beginning of any semester, quarter or term in accordance with rules, regulations and procedures established and published by his or her home board. The payment of tuition by his or her district of residence may not exceed the per capita cost of the community college attended for the previous year, or in the case of the first year of operation the estimated per capita cost, less certain deductions to be computed in the manner set forth above for the community college tuition to be charged to the district of the student's residence.
Payment shall be made hereunder to the community college district of attendance immediately upon receipt, by the district liable for the payment, of a statement from that community college district of the amount due it. Before sending such a statement requesting payment, however, the community college district of attendance shall make all calculations and deductions required under this Section so that the amount requested for payment is the exact amount required under this Section to be paid by the district liable for payment.
If the moneys in the educational fund or the proceeds from a levy made under Section 6-1 of a district liable for payments under this Section are insufficient to meet such payments, the district liable for such payments may issue tax anticipation warrants as provided in Section 3-20.10.
A full-time equivalent student for a semester, quarter or term is defined as a student doing 15 semester hours of work per semester or 15 quarter hours of work per quarter or the equivalent thereof, and the number of full-time equivalent students enrolled per term shall be determined by dividing by 15 the total number of semester hours or quarter hours of work for which State Board grants are received, or the equivalent thereof, carried by all students of the college through the mid-term of each semester, quarter or term. The number of full-time equivalent students for a fiscal year shall be computed by adding the total number of semester hours or quarter hours of work or the equivalent thereof carried by all students of the college through the mid-term of each semester, quarter or term during that fiscal year and dividing that sum by 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours or the equivalent thereof depending upon the credit hour system utilized by the college. Tuition of students carrying more or less than 15 semester hours of work per semester or 15 quarter hours of work per quarter or the equivalent thereof shall be computed in the proportion which the number of hours so carried bears to 15 semester hours or 15 quarter hours or the equivalent thereof.
If the United States Government, the State of Illinois, or any agency pays tuition for any community college student, neither the district of residence of the student nor the student may be required to pay that tuition or such part thereof as is otherwise paid. No part of the State's financial responsibility provided for in Section 2-16 may be transferred to a student's district of residence under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 86-469; 86-1246; 87-1018.)
Sections: Previous 6-1 6-2 6-4 6-4a 6-4.1 6-5.3 6-5.3a 6-5.5 6-5.9 6-6.1 6-7 6-7.1 6-7.2 6-7.3 Next
Last modified: February 18, 2015