(110 ILCS 805/6-4.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 106-4.1)
Sec. 6-4.1. If a resident of Illinois qualifies for admission to a public community college under Section 3-17 but does not qualify for financial support under Section 6-2, he may be enrolled in the college upon payment of the difference between the per capita cost as defined in Section 6-2 less any payments toward noncapital expenditures received from State and federal sources for the previous year except grants through the State Board as authorized in Section 2-16 or 2-16.02, as the case may be, converted to a semester hour or quarter hour base, and the combined rate of State grants other than equalization grants for the current year as authorized in Section 2-16.02, notwithstanding tuition limits of Section 6-4. Subject to Section 3-17, a public community college may accept out-of-state students upon payment of the per capita cost as defined in Section 6-2. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, the out-of-district or out-of-state tuition, whichever is applicable, may be waived for a student who is employed for at least 35 hours per week by an entity located in the district or is enrolled in a course that is being provided under terms of a contract for services between the employing entity and the college.
(Source: P.A. 86-1246; 87-741; 87-1018.)
Sections: Previous 6-1 6-2 6-4 6-4a 6-4.1 6-5.3 6-5.3a 6-5.5 6-5.9 6-6.1 6-7 6-7.1 6-7.2 6-7.3 Next
Last modified: February 18, 2015