Illinois Compiled Statutes 320 ILCS 55 Illinois Prescription Drug Discount Program Act. Section 50

    (320 ILCS 55/50)

    Sec. 50. Report on administration of program. The Department shall report to the Governor and the General Assembly by March 1st of each year on the administration of the program under this Act. The report shall include but not be limited to the following:

        (1) the number of Illinois residents enrolled in the

    program, by county;

        (2) the activities undertaken by the State to inform

    Illinois residents about the program;

        (3) the number of prescriptions filled under the

    program for enrollees, and the estimated savings for enrollees;

        (4) a listing of the manufacturers and pharmacies

    participating in the program;

        (5) the amount of enrollment fees and rebates

    collected under the program, and any additional funds or resources made available to cover the cost of the program;

        (6) the itemized annual cost of administering the

    program; and

        (7) findings and recommendations regarding problems

    and solutions related to the program, together with proposals for changes in the rules, regulations, or laws necessary to improve the administration of the program.

(Source: P.A. 93-18, eff. 7-1-03; 94-86, eff. 1-1-06.)

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Last modified: February 18, 2015