(75 ILCS 5/5-1) (from Ch. 81, par. 5-1)
Sec. 5-1. Whenever the board of trustees of any public library organized under this Act determines to erect a building to be used as a library, or to purchase a site for the same, or to purchase a building, or to repair, remodel or improve an existing library building, or build an addition thereto, or to furnish necessary equipment therefor, or to acquire library materials such as books, periodicals, films, recordings and electronic data storage and retrieval facilities in connection with either the purchase or construction of a new library building or the repair, remodeling, or improvement of an existing library building or the expansion of an existing library building, or to accumulate a fund to accomplish any of such purposes, or to do any or all of these things, the trustees may proceed as follows:
If a new building is to be erected, or an existing library building is to be remodeled, repaired, improved or an addition thereto erected, or necessary equipment is to be furnished, or any or all of these things are to be done, the board of trustees shall cause a plan to be prepared and an estimate to be made of the cost. If a site or a building is to be purchased, the trustees shall cause an estimate to be made of the cost of such site or building. The trustees may then determine the funds that will be available from accumulations, and the amount to be raised from a bond issue, by annual certification, or by a mortgage. The trustees shall further determine the term, not exceeding 20 years, over which they shall spread the collection of the cost of erecting a new building, or remodeling, repairing, improving an existing library building or erecting an addition thereto, or furnishing necessary equipment, or purchasing and improving a site or building, or the acquisition of library materials such as books, periodicals, recordings and electronic data storage and retrieval facilities in connection with either the purchase or construction of a new library building or the expansion of an existing library building, or any or all of these things.
For the purpose of Sections 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4 and 5-5 of this Act, the acquisition of library material such as books, periodicals, films, recordings and electronic data storage and retrieval facilities is considered to be in connection with the purchase or construction of a new library building or the repair, remodeling or improvement of an existing library building or the expansion of an existing library building if the determination of the Board of Trustees to acquire such library materials is made within 5 years from the date that a new library building is purchased, or construction of a new library building or the repair, remodeling or improvement of an existing library building or the expansion of an existing library building is completed.
The board shall make a record of their proceedings and determinations and transmit a copy thereof to the corporate authorities for their consideration and approval.
(Source: P.A. 84-770.)
Sections: 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 Next
Last modified: February 18, 2015