(75 ILCS 5/5-3) (from Ch. 81, par. 5-3)
Sec. 5-3. The corporate authorities on receiving the certificate of the board of library trustees, as provided in Section 5-2, shall, in its next annual appropriation ordinance or resolution, include the amount so certified, and shall, for the amount so certified levy and collect a tax to pay such with the other general taxes of the city, village, incorporated town or township, and the proceeds of such tax shall be paid over by the officer charged with the collection thereof to the board of trustees of such library in cities, villages and incorporated towns having a population of 50,000 inhabitants or less to be applied by such board of trustees to the purpose for which such tax was levied. Such levy shall not exceed .0833% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, in any one year, and shall not be levied for more than the number of years into which the library board, in those cases where bonds are not issued as provided in Section 5-2, has divided the cost of constructing a building, or remodeling, repairing, improving an existing library building or the erection of an addition thereto, or purchasing a site, building or equipment, or to acquire library materials such as books, periodicals, films, recordings and electronic data storage and retrieval facilities in connection with either the purchase or construction of a new library building or the expansion of an existing library building, or any or all of these things. When collected as provided in this Section the tax shall cease.
(Source: P.A. 84-770.)
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Last modified: February 18, 2015