General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 127 Officers and Inmates of Penal and Reformatory Institutions. Paroles and Pardons - Section 149A Temporary custody of parolees; warrant

Section 149A. If a parole officer believes that a parolee has lapsed or is about to lapse into criminal ways or has associated or is about to associate with criminal company or that he has violated the conditions of his parole, the parole officer may, with the consent of a parole supervisor or other superior officer, issue a warrant for the temporary custody of said parolee for a period not longer than fifteen days, during which period he shall notify the director of parole service or a parole supervisor of his action and submit a complete report for final decision by the parole board. The detention of any such parolee may be further regulated by the rules of said board. The parole board shall have the right to withdraw said warrant for temporary custody and such withdrawal shall not affect the validity of any subsequent warrants issued. Upon the withdrawal of said warrant, the time from the issuance of the warrant until the withdrawal shall be considered as part of the original sentence. Such warrant shall constitute sufficient authority to a parole officer and to the superintendent, jailer, or any other person in charge of any jail, house of correction, lockup, or place of detention to whom it is exhibited to hold in temporary custody the parolee retaken pursuant thereto.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015