General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 127 Officers and Inmates of Penal and Reformatory Institutions. Paroles and Pardons - Section 151D Chairman of parole board as compact administrator and state commissioner; appointment of state council

Section 151D. The chairman of the parole board, or his designee, shall serve as the compact administrator and as the state’s commissioner on the interstate compact commission. The Massachusetts state council shall be appointed by the compact administrator. The state council shall be comprised of 5 members whose term of office shall be for 4 years. The state council shall meet at least twice a year. The state council may advise the compact administrator or his designee on participation in the interstate commissioner activities and administration of the compact. The state council’s membership shall include at least 1 representative from the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government and victims’ groups.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015